
Friday 23 November 2012

How Not to Act Natural at a Bus Stop

Kelowna bus stop

It's one of the benefits of living in a town built around a lake. Everywhere you go in Kelowna, there are fantastic views. Even from places like an everyday bus stop.

I wanted to show you a picture of this bus stop, so I sent my wife and daughter over there and told them to look like they were waiting for the bus. Not a bad job right? If only that was the first picture....

silly pose kelowna bus stop

...a little too much posing girls. Just try and look natural...

piggyback kelowna bus stop people don't wait for a bus on piggyback. Try again...

Kelowna bus stop you guys even know the meaning of the word "natural"?....

strange sight at bus stop

...Seriously? If I was the bus driver I wouldn't even slow down if I saw that happening at my bus stop. 

OK, so apparently today's post has two main points. #1 - Kelowna has some great looking bus stops. #2 - My family has absolutely no acting ability whatsoever. Somehow I get the feeling that #1 may come as more of a surprise to you than #2. 

This post is a part of Photo Friday at Delicious Baby and Friday Daydreamin at R We There Yet Mom. If you didn't get here from one of those sites, you should really go check them out. There's people there who can look normal enough that a bus would actually stop for them. I wonder how they learned to do that.

Written by Steve Pratt