
Wednesday 4 July 2012

July Calendar Shot

Today's challenge in Disney's Wordless Wednesday is to produce your calendar shot for July. There's a few important dates in July for us. Canada's Birthday, July 4th, our anniversary (somebody please remind me of that one), but above all these things, there's one thing that we can count on every July...

Rain. Everybody tells me that July is this beautiful, warm, sunny month, but I'm beginning to think that you guys are all just trying to put one over on me. Of course it's possible that it's just us. It's been cloudy and raining here in Kelowna for the last couple of weeks, but here's the next five days weather forecast for where we live...

Looks nice doesn't it? Too bad we're leaving today. Here's the forecast for the next five days in Miami, which is where we'll be...

So maybe it is just us. I'm going to have to try and turn this to our advantage. I'll be contacting some tourism boards in drought stricken areas to see if they'd like to host us for a few days to get their crops watered and their reservoirs refilled. If you live in an area that needs some rain, let us know and we'll put you on the list. Nothing guarantees a downpour like a visit from the More Kids Than Suitcases crew.

This post is a part of Wordless Wednesday over at Focused on the Magic. If you didn't get here from there, you should really head on over and check out some of the fantastic people that hang out there on Wednesdays. Most of them probably get to play outside during the summer months. No wonder nobody will tell me where they live.

Written by Steve Pratt