
Wednesday 2 November 2011

About Us and Nearly Dying in Hawaii

It seems a little redundant doesn't it? Did I really have to write a page telling people all about us on a website that's full of stories about us? If you've read anything on here, you probably already know what kind of crazy personalities there are in this family, but yet you (well, maybe not you personally, but the generic you) kept asking me to write an "About us" page. So now I have. It's in the menu bar just below the picture at the top of this page, or, if you're real lazy like me and scrolling seems like a lot of work (there must be an easier way) then here's a link to it.

I know you though. You're not really here to read about our family. You were lured here by the promise of a near death experience. Sure you're being polite and saying that you're interested in learning about my group of misfits, but you're really here for an adrenaline rush. You want to know how we cheated death off the coast of Oahu (At least you think we cheated death. Wouldn't that be a plot twist if we actually all died?) and you're looking for the details. Well I've written that story for you too, but it's not here.

I wrote this story for my good friend Jessica over at Suitcases and Sippycups. Well, she's as good a friend as you can have for somebody you've never actually met or heard their voice (I imagine that she's got a little bit of a southern accent, with maybe a bit of a drawl. I wonder if she's from Texas....I should probably go read her "About Me" page. See...those things are helpful!) but she's helped me meet some great people, and I know she reads my blog every day. That's good enough for me. You can be my good friend too. Just read my blog every day, and let me know what kind of accent you have (or want to have...there's no background check here).

OK, on to the story. There's three ways to get there. You've already passed one link to Jessica's site. Did you see it? Or were you distracted by her accent? If you were, never mind. Here is a direct link to the story Crazy Catamaran on Waikiki Beach. That's two. The third way might be the most impressive. Do you see that fancy button at the bottom of this page that says Wanderer Wednesday? Well that's the link to Jessica's guest post series, which is where my story is. I just think it's the most impressive because I like the button. You know it's a good website when it has it's own button. Is anybody else wondering why they call it a button? There should be an "About Me" page for the button.

Alright, enjoy your visit to Suitcases and Sippycups (that's four). If you're one of my Canadian friends, make sure to leave her a comment somewhere and use the word "eh" so she knows what kind of accent we have. To my good friends, I'll see you tomorrow. For those of you who are just casual acquaintances, we really should spend some more time together. Tomorrow's good for me.