
Saturday 15 October 2011

Selena Gomez in Vancouver

I did it! I'm the hero!  Well, I haven't officially been anointed as such, but I managed to get my girls to Vancouver tonight in time to see Selena Gomez, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I get the recognition.  I may have to share this honor with the couple thousand other Dads who were there last night, although most of them thoroughly embarrassed their daughters by just sitting there looking disinterested.  I, on the other hand, embarrassed my daughters by singing along to every song.  Far better!

Selena's show is good, if a little plain (and they should fire whoever put the lighting together - she was in the shadows through at least half of the show).  She's had three albums now, so there's plenty of songs that you've heard on the radio, and she's beginning to develop her stage charisma.  Give her a couple more years of seasoning and she should be doing just fine.  Oh, and somebody get her a stage.  Lori actually asked me after the show if Selena had brought that stage or if she was just using the stock stage for Rogers arena.  That's never a good sign.

My favorite part about Selena's show though, is how clean it is.  It's downright wholesome, and that pleases me to no end.  Why?  Because she's my daughter's favorite singer, and I really like using the words "my daughter" and "wholesome" in the same sentence.  There's nothing suggestive at all in the show, barring maybe a little tribute to Britney Spears, which is still probably perfectly clean, but my mind hears "Britney Spears" and it tends to shift in to a lower mindset.  Outside of that, it's a perfectly G rated show, suitable for the exact same audience that Disney draws to her TV show.

Last month we took our kids to see Taylor Swift, and it inspired me to write a bunch of dating advice for my son based on her show.   Selena's show doesn't create any similar kind of inspiration in me, and let's face it, that's probably a good thing.  Me writing dating advice for my girls just wouldn't be something that would go well.  Despite being an absolute stud in high school (which I can say because I'm pretty sure nobody I went to high school with actually reads this) I never really understood what girls were looking for in a date.  The words "spark" and "chemistry" present images of a bunsen burner to me, not passionate romance.  Of course, Selena probably isn't trying to inspire me.  Her audience consists almost exclusively of preteen girls (and their hero-status seeking fathers) and Selena was a perfect show for them.  Selena sings about how you can do anything you want to do, and that's a great message for that age group.  You still have to be careful what your daughter walks out of there with though.  If your girls leave with the message that "Dreams can come true!", then the show has been a success.  If they leave with the message that "They can date Justin Bieber!", then they may have missed the point.

Selena is getting there.  Her show is much more polished than it was last year at this time, and she's gradually building some stage presence.  If her plan is to concentrate solely on her music once Wizards of Waverly Place ends later this year, then next years show should be even better, which will give me another chance to be the hero.  A Dad can't have too many of those opportunities.

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