
Saturday 10 September 2011

StarMegaDo3 Continues! Charter Flight to Denver.

I guess it's not over.  Yesterday I told you how I threw out my passport on my flight from Chicago to Montreal.  I did notify United, but I didn't really expect them to be able to come up with my passport.  I cancelled all my reservations for Denver, and booked a flight home to Kelowna.  I decided to book a late flight so that I could still go on the Bombardier tour in Montreal before leaving.  Well while I was on the bombardier tour, I got a tweet from somebody in our group (thank you so much asya999) that United had found my passport.  Cancel the flight to Kelowna, get back on the charter flight to Denver, and now I'm trying to rebook my way back home.  The lesson here: Always keep your passport in the same place, so from now on when I'm traveling solo I'm going to take my wife's purse with me.

So with  passport in hand, it's off to Denver.  This is my first experience with a charter flight.  I imagine all charter flights are a little different, but a charter flight filled with 150 of the most frequent flyers, all of whom are top tier elite in their respective airline programs, gets a little strange.  You know the safety briefing at the beginning of every flight, that you've heard so many times you always say you could give the demonstration for the flight attendant?

Sorry it's blurry.  It's hard to shoot when you're laughing so hard.

So if we're doing the safety demonstrations, what do the flight attendants get to do?

They model the prizes for the charity raffle of course.
One thing that came out of flying with so many frequent flyers is that I actually had to sit in the back of the plane.  I can't remember the last time I had row 29 on my boarding pass, and while I can't say I love sitting back there, there was a benefit.

Leaving Montreal.  I never get pictures with the wing in them.
Jini and Oleg, my seatmates.
They fed us again.  Our choices were "Chicken Parmesan" or "Some Kind of Beef".  I'm in row 29.  I got "Some Kind of Beef".  It was an accurate description.

We're frequent flyers.  We're not high maintenance.  You don't need to bring the beverage cart to us.  We know where everything is.
Wait, did I say not high maintenance?  Attendant call lights are fun, but the next thing heard over the P.A. was "Somebody's gonna get a broken finger!"

I'm not sure if flight attendants would enjoy working one of our charter flights or not.  I know we're all having a good time, but their job is to keep us safe and make sure we don't break any FAA regulations.  Trying to get us to do something is like trying to herd cats....deaf cats.....with ADD.  Yeah, that's us, deaf cats with ADD.  Congratulations to the crew of Continental 1821Y for getting 150 deaf cats from Chicago to Montreal to Denver without anyone managing to hurt themselves (too badly), and we're sorry you didn't win the iPad this year.

I, however, have decided that charter travel is a much more fun way to fly, so from now on I'm going to need 150 of you to come with me wherever I'm going.  Phoenix next month....who's in?

Arriving in Denver.  Hopefully my last view of the back of the wing for a while.


  1. No need to thank me - I'm happy I could relay good news! I was sitting right behind the organizers on the bus to Bombardier when I heard something about "someone who threw out their passport" and reading your stages of grief post gave me quite a laugh (all the while painfully cringing and triple checking my own passport!)

    So later in the day when I overheard the organizers say that they got a call from someone at the airport saying they found a passport I just wanted to forward it to you as a thanks for a good laugh!

  2. What an interesting POST. I liked the unique perspectives shared throughout.
